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Tips and Advice

How to write Statement of Purpose

Important tips and advice to write a strong Statement of Purpose

Understand the requirements/Read the instructions carefully

It is important to understand if there are any requirements or specific instructions that you need to follow while writing an SOP. Some universities specify what all should be included in the SOP, in such a case you should make sure to include all those aspects in your SOP. Also there are formatting instructions like word limit between 500-1000 words, 12-point font, line spacing and so on. Usually an ideal SOP should include your motivation to study the particular course, academic objectives, academic background, experiences/activities and lessons/observations gained, future academic/professional goals with a special mention of how doing that particular course would help you achieve those objectives

Brainstorm on the idea and outline

Once you understand the requirements you can start working on the ideas by brainstorming. Firstly, jot down your reasons to pursue the course. Then highlight your academic journey with emphasis on those particular milestones where you realised why you should do this course and how you will do  your best to achieve your learning outcomes. Think about an interesting way to open your SOP with your belief of how and what has motivated you in doing this course. You could use phrases but being original by writing your own words that bring out your personality is advisabl


It will be beneficial if you go through the information about the course, its outcomes, the professors and their research work, the department and the ongoing projects and research work and most importantly the course content so that you can convince the faculty through your SOP about how it is in      parallel with your learning objectives and how you would be a good match for the prospective students they should select

Organising and structuring your essay

Once you start developing your ideas from the brainstorming notes make sure that you maintain coherency in the way you develop your essay. The reader should be engaged in knowing your story and it should convince them towards the conclusion about how you are an ideal student for the course without sounding too desperate or overqualified. The course should be an exact match for your learning objectives. You as the applicant with your academic background and goals should come across as the right fit for the course who can make maximum from studying this course. You have to make the necessary impact in the given word limit hence you should decide which ideas should be prioritized.

Review and Proofread

You can read your SOP after some time to refine it till you find it perfect. After that, you can have someone experienced review your essay. This is important not only to make sure that there are no grammatical or spelling errors but also to make sure that your SOP is able to make the required impression you desire. Also the automatic spellcheck and grammar check may not work always as it is important to use the rights words as per the context and the computers may not catch the typos always. If there are any suggestions which may contribute to the quality of your SOP, you should make changes and follow it up with the next round of review and proofreading till it’s good enough to be submitted.

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