• Want your Letter of Recommendation to create an impact?
    Whizstorm's expert guidance in selecting the right recommendor, assessing your profile, organising your inputs highlighting your strengths is what you need in your LOR
Letter of Recommendation


Creating profile and assessment of requirements and inputs
Once you purchase the LOR writing service you will get access to student dashboard where you will need to fill your personal, academic, test, career goals, extracurricular and achievement sections which will equip the documentation expert with information that gives an overall idea of your profile.
You can access the “My Documents” section which you can uses to save and share drafts aand documents.

Analyse requirements and Organise the inputs

A dedicated advisor is assigned to you who will send you Guidelines for 1) Selecting the right recommender 2) Guidelines for providing inputs for draft of your LOR. Your advisor can also help you in selecting the right recommender from a list of prospective recommenders. Depending on the guidelines you need to provide inputs for all the 3 LOR which should be distinct hence choosing the 3 recommenders is an important consideration.
You need to provide inputs for all the 3 LOR. If the inputs are found insufficient the advisor will let you know the specific additional inputs required. If necessary, the document expert will also co-ordinate and communicate so as to bring out the inputs and ideas that would make the LOR better.
The inputs for every individual LOR will be evaluated by our document expert who will assess if the inputs given are supported by enough evidence in the capacity of your association with the recommender. Also every LOR should demonstrate different/ varied strengths and abilities of the student.

Review and Approval

If the inputs provided by you are satisfactory and sufficient the document expert will work on organising and editing the LOR so as to maintain coherence, and relevance with the admission requirements of the course you are applying to, proof read and approve it. This draft can then be submitted for the approval of the recommender who will make the final edit and sign it.
If you are not satisfied with the final document and suggest any changes, then a review of the suggestions will be done by the document expert. If found that implementation of your suggestions would improve the quality of the document, then the suggestions will be incorporated till you are satisfied with the final document.
LOR Writing Service
Want a Recommendation Letter that emphasizes your strengths, substantiates your endeavors, and thus recommends your application to ensure a successful admission?



Careful assessment of your profile and essay requirement by experts.

Highlight your profile

Proofreading and help in organising your ideas to make a lasting impact

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Review of your inputs by Experts who have helped correct thousands of essays.

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