• Study in GERMANY
    Whizstorm offers hundreds of courses from reputed Universities in Germany.

    Explore our PLANS to get dedicated assistance in every step of your profile assessment, course selection, documentation, application, admission and VISA to successfully start your study in Germany.


Study in Germany

Study in Germany
Education System
Universities in Germany
Application Requirement
Apply through Whizstorm
Study in Germany
Want to study in Germany? Know some Fast Facts about Germany as one of the best study abroad destination.
  • One the leading destination for international students looking for world-class education at reasonable cost or for free, Germany is the ideal study abroad destination. The Tuition and living cost are very less compared to other leading study destinations while quality of education is excellent with immense scope for research and innovation.
  • Situated in central Europe, Germany has a temperate climate and a population of little above 80 million thus making it the second most populated country in Europe. The population is concentrated mostly in the urban areas and the majority of people speak German. They have a rich culture and the people are environment friendly as they enjoy their beautiful countryside,gardens and riverbanks. There is an excellent mix of modern and traditional values and the love for nature, arts, orchestra, music and cuisine is quite evident. The Germans are also fond of sports and apart from traveling they enjoy various sports like football
  • World’s fourth leading economy and Europe’s largest, Germany has been leading in industrial production and manufacturing in several areas like automobile, iron, steel, electronics, coal, cement, chemicals, beverages, food industry, advanced machinery, machine tools, shipbuilding, and textiles. World renowned for its technological innovation and advancement it has lead and contributed in the fields of energy generation and production in addition to the fields of mechanical engineering and robotics.
  • Its capital city is Berlin and currency is Euro. Most of the universities in Germany are public and government funded that offer quality education at low or zero cost. Admissions can be competitive but the excellent training and exposure provided by these institutions provide excellent employment and research opportunities to contribute to its technologically advanced industry. Some institutes are private and charge tuition which is less compared to other European countries. Several Institutes are ranked amongst the worlds best and provide education in diverse subject areas also promoting interdisciplinary education.
  • Though there are several Universities that have courses with English as the language of teaching and training, German Language proficiency is still a requirement to study in any institute in Germany. International Students can apply directly to the Universities or through the centralized admissions portal for international students, which is run by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Education System

Germany Education System

  • Higher education in Germany is internationally accredited and renowned for its finest Research and Doctorate programs. 6 of the top 100 and 18 of the top 200 universities in the world are German, as surveyed by Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU)
  • Although, German institutions are better known for adopting the newer and more innovative ways of learning, training and conducting research, studying in Germany places students amongst the oldest and most established universities in the world.
  • Germany has 400 public universities attended by 95 % of University students. These institutions are state funded, which means, they do not charge tuition fees (except for an administrative cost charged at the beginning of every semester). There are 120 private institutions which are not government funded and regulated. They set their own tuition fees structure
  • Higher education in Germany recently got affiliated to the three-tier degree system of the European Higher Education Area established under the Bologna System. Germany now offers undergraduate courses which can be converted into a Bachelor’s degree, and postgraduate courses, in a Master’s or PhD (Doctorate). This system is better than the old, long tier-one programs. It is basically designed to be common throughout Europe, offering international educational mobility and flexibility in educational objectives
  • The higher education system varies between for different disciplines:
    • Technical Schools – specializing in Science, Technology and Engineering
    • Universities of Applied Science- specializing in Business, Engineering and Social Sciences
    • Universities of fine and performing arts, music, media and communication
  • Master’s degrees courses usually last two years (four semesters). Master’s degrees are either ‘consecutive’ or ‘non-consecutive’. Consecutive Master’s programs can be continued after a Bachelor’s degree which follows on from a related undergraduate degree and is not necessarily chargeable. Non-consecutive degrees focus on specializations which are unique and need extensive research
  • PhDs which are research-oriented awarding a Doctorate degree and can last for 5 to 8 years including assistant-ship, thesis preparation and experimental research. These courses may charge fees, and are more likely to require professional or practical experience on top of a Master’s degree
Universities in Germany

Top Universities in Germany

Application Requirement


( Bachelor's )
( Master's )

Passport ✅ ✅
 Resume ✅ ✅
 SOP ❌ ✅
Essay ✅
Recommendation Letters ✅ ✅

 GRE / GMAT ❌ *Variable

Marksheets ✅ ✅
Certificates ✅ ✅
 Transcripts ✅ ✅

 Portfolio *Variable *Variable
 Work Experience Documents ❌ *Variable
 Transcript Evaluation

*Variable- This requirement varies according to the program and university

 ✅ Required

❌ Not - Required

Apply through Whizstorm

How to Apply Through Whizstorm

  • SIGN UP and Search

    If you wish to study in Germany, then you are at the right place. SIGN UP to our Web-based Portal that provides information of thousands of programs in Germany from which you can find the right programs that suit your goals, interests and requirement. Know more about how to Search-Shortlist-Apply through Whizstorm

  • Buy our PLAN that streamlines your Study In Germany process

    Whizstorm offers various PLANS for dedicated assistance wherein our process experts assist you in every phase of your process starting with profile assessment, course selection, documentation, application, admission, financial planning and VISA. Know How Whizstorm helps with PLANS to STUDY IN GERMANY

  • Dedicated Assistance

    All these PLANS on WhizStorm are offered and serviced on our web-based portal, you can access your Advanced Student Dashboard which helps you to manage and track your process with complete assistance from your dedicated advisor.

  • Successfully Complete the Process and FLY to Study in Germany

    Thus you can take our PLANS from anywhere in the world so that we help you successfully complete your STUDY IN GERMANY Process and Fly to achieve your dream of education abroad.

Enquiry Form

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  • Get dedicated assistance at every step of profile assessment, university selection, documentation, application, admission and VISA to start your NEW ZEALAND Education process
  • Our Online software platform with access to the advanced dashboard enables you to track and manage your study abroad process simply and in time.
  • Reasonably priced plans to help you at all the steps you need so that you can sucessfully start with your STUDY IN NEW ZEALAND

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