• What to include in the Letter of Recommendation?

    We'd love to help you with the tips and advice.

How to write Statement of Purpose

Important tips and advice to write a strong Statement of Purpose

Understand the requirements/Read the instructions carefully

It is important to understand if there are any requirements or specific instructions that are to be followed while writing an LOR. Some universities specify that the recommendation should be in a survey/questionnaire format wherein the recommender is supposed to answer certain questions that can give a fair idea about the student’s strengths and weaknesses in turn justifying their candidature for admission. In other cases, the recommenders are supposed to write a recommendation of 450-500 words.


The recommendation letter should be introduced by specifying the capacity or the type of association within which the recommender is associated with the student. There should be a mention of the duration for which the recommender knows the student and how the nature of their association has allowed the recommender to observe, assess and recommend the student based on their strengths, weaknesses, academic abilities and prospect as a student.

Insight on the student’s capabilities

The recommender should definitely spell out the positive traits and strengths of the student but it should not be a mere list of praises. Every skill or positive quality should be justified through the evidence of the student’s performance on assignments, project work, presentation or any other way of interaction that provided the recommender, fair opportunity to experience the student demonstrate the listed abilities.

Evidence of the Authority

If the recommenders are professors or lecturers, they should use their official college letterhead for printing the recommendation which then has to be duly signed and sealed in an envelope. If the recommender is a team lead or manager from the student’s workplace then it should be printed on the official letterhead of the organisation, again expected to be duly signed and sealed.

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