Want to Study in Switzerland ?
Switzerland is a small country in the middle of Europe, but it has a long history of high-quality higher education. The oldest university in the country, the University of Basel, was founded in 1460.
One of the safest countries in the world to live in, Switzerland is surrounded by Italy, Germany, France, Austria and Liechtenstein. It is a popular tourist destination because you can see the Swiss Alps, Central Plateau and Jura Mountains as you drive through it. Because the country has 7,000 lakes!
As a student, you can visit beautiful landscapes, meet people from all over the world, and live in some of the world's best cities for living. You can also enjoy cutting-edge technology and high educational standards in Switzerland, because the country is always one of the best places to study abroad.
In the last few years, the number of international students who choose to study in Switzerland has kept rising. Because Switzerland is a developed country, it comes as no surprise. Basel, Zürich, and Geneva are all cities that get a lot of skilled workers from outside the country. Degrees in tourism and hotel management, finance, international business and law and computer science are some of the most popular in Switzerland, where people want to go to school.
People who work for these organizations live in Switzerland. It is also home to the International Committee of Red Cross, CERN, the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA), the second-largest UN office, and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). A founding member of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), it isn't a member of the European Union, or any other part of it.
Our Services
1. Essay
Profile Making and Assessment
A) Once you buy an essay service from WhizStorm, you will be given access to your student dashboard. There, you will need to fill out your personal, academic, test, career goals, extracurricular, and achievement sections. This will help the documentation expert get a general idea of your profile, which will help them write your paper.
B) To save and share documents, you can use the "My Documents" area.
Drafting an essay
A) A dedicated advisor will be assigned to you and will send you the guidelines you need to help write your draft and some examples of essays that you can look at.
B) A documentation expert will give you instructions on how to write a rough draft, and you'll have to follow them to make the essay unique to you and your personality and background.
C) The documentation expert will look at the information you put into your draft.
D) If there aren't enough inputs, the documentation expert will reach out to you for more.
Approval and Review of the Essay
A) Experts will work on organizing and restructuring your draughts if they have enough information. They will also work on improving the style of expression to make it more coherent, proofreading, and editing the text so it has the right effect.
B) When the final document is ready, it will be sent to you so you can look over it.
C) If you agree with the document, the service will be done.
D) If you don't like what you see and want to make changes, the changes will be looked at and if they improve the quality while still following the required essay guidelines, the experts will make changes to the document until you are satisfied with the final draft.
2. SOP
Start with your SOP
The student dashboard
A) Once you buy the service, you will be able to see the dashboard for students.
B) We need to meet our own goals as well as our academic, test, and job goals. These extracurricular and achievement sections will give the person who does the documentation a general idea of your profile.
C) Access "My Documents," which is a feature on your dashboard that lets you save and share draughts and documents you've made.
Writing your SOP
A) It doesn't matter when you fill out the enrollment portal. We will send you the SOP/ LOR guidelines and how to write a SOP/ LOR as soon as possible. Please send us only the documents that we need.
B) This means that the document expert will also work with and communicate with other people if the inputs aren't enough. This way, the SOP will be better.
C) To avoid making your profile look like a resume, try not to show it off, but make it a good match for the class.
SOP editing, reviewing, and finalizing
A) If the inputs are good and enough, the document expert will organize and edit your SOP to keep it together, develop your ideas or inputs to connect them to the goals, and proofread and finish it.
B) Our document experts will look over your general SOP when we get it. To help you improve your draught, we will ask you to add more inputs or remove unnecessary content. We will also give you advice and suggestions.
C) You can then make the changes or additions that need to be made and let us know.
D) Then, the documents team will make sure that your general SOP is done.
E) You should change the general SOP to meet the SOP requirements of the universities you are applying to.
F) We will give students any verbal help they need as we change the university-specific SOPs.
G) Our experts will only look at (not change) the multiple university-specific SOPs that you change. Students will get the feedback they need if they need it.
H) If your final draft is ready, it may take us up to 10 days to finish your documents (SOP/LOR) after you send them in.
I) Corrections to grammar and how sentences are put together are part of editing. Editing is limited to two changes at a time.
J) We don't add anything to your documents, but we try to make your documents better where there is room to improve.
K) To keep the documents as unique as possible, we don't completely rewrite your LOR/ Essay/ SOP/ LOI/ Research Proposal to make them look like new.
L) If you apply to a lot of different courses, we will only look at one general SOP for one of the courses. All other SOP draughts, including draughts for all other courses, will only be looked at if they need to be.
M) We almost always come up with an attractive and professional SOP in one try. However, if you think the final document needs to be changed, we could do one more round of editing.
N) In this case, if we think your suggestions would make the document better, we will take them into account. We make sure that your SOP meets the needs of the university.
Creating a profile and evaluating the needs and inputs
Once you buy the LOR writing service, you will get access to a student dashboard. There, you will need to fill out your personal, academic, test, career goals, extracurricular, and achievement sections. This will give the documentation expert a general idea of your profile.
It's easy to get to the "My Documents" section, which you can use to save and share draughts and documents that you've made.
Analyze the needs and wants of the people
A) You will have a personal advisor who will send you guidelines for 1) Choosing the right recommender, and 2) How to write a good cover letter for your job. 2) Tips for giving suggestions for the draft of your LOR. Your advisor can also help you choose the right person to write a letter of recommendation for you from a list of people you could ask. In order to meet the guidelines, you need to give different inputs for each of the three letters of recommendation. This is why choosing the three recommenders is important.
B) You need to fill in all three LOR. If the inputs aren't enough, your advisor will tell you what else you need to do. If it's necessary, the document expert will also work together and communicate so that the inputs and ideas that would make the LOR better can be found and used in the LOR too.
C) LOR inputs will be checked by our document expert, who will see if there is enough evidence to back up your claims about your relationship with your recommender. So each Letter of Recommendation (LOR) should show a different/ wide range of strengths and abilities in the student.
Getting the go ahead
A) You have to make sure the information you give is good and enough for the document expert to work on organizing and editing your letter of recommendation so that it fits with all the admission requirements for your chosen course. They will also proofread and approve it. This draught can then be sent to the person who will make the final changes and sign it.
B) If you aren't happy with the final document and want to make changes, the document expert will look over your ideas. If it is found that your suggestions would improve the quality of the document, then the suggestions will be added until you are satisfied with the final document.
Check out and compare plans.
You can see and compare what Whizstorm has to offer as part of different plans for different degrees, like Bachelors, Master's, and PhD.
Buy the plan that fits your needs.
From the different plans that are available, choose the one that you want to buy. You will get personalized service and a dashboard that helps you keep track of your project.
Dedicated Help:
Based on your PLAN, your advisor will help you with different parts of the process, like putting together the documents and requirements to study abroad.
Choosing a course:
Our course experts and your advisor will help you find courses and universities that fit your needs. You can choose the courses that you want to take.
Submit the application:
Once all of the documents and requirements are in place and you have approved courses to apply for, your advisor will fill out the applications. Then, you can send the filled out applications and the application fee (if any) to the university or college where you want to go.
Admission help:
You will get advice and updates from your adviser about the admission follow-up process. After that, your advisor will explain and help you with the paperwork you need to get a VISA.
Assist from Visa:
After you've been accepted, your advisor will help you with the process of applying for a visa and submitting the necessary documents.
FLY to learn:
After you get the VISA, your advisor will help you get ready for your flight and give you information that will help you better prepare for your stay and study at your study destination.
Need guidance? Let us help you.