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Work VISA for New Zealand

Work Visa – New Zealand

Professionals, students and skilled migrants visit and work in New Zealand for establishing their careers in various fields. New Zealand has a great environment and work culture. They believe in Team work, startup businesses and also family commitments. The visa options include different facilities for different professions which have their unique criteria for application. Employees or migrants often get confused while application for such visas. Hence, we have discussed the important aspects and basic requirements required for work visas in New Zealand.

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#Skilled Migrant Category Visa:-

· You can live, work and study in New Zealand with the Skilled Migrant Category visa.

· You must be aged 55 or below for applying for this visa.

· The duration of this visa is indefinite so people who want to stay for long or permanently can apply for this visa.

· You need to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) which will earn you an invitation for this visa.

· The EOI cost is NZ$530 and the application cost is around NZ$3310.

 Partner of a New Zealand-er Work Visa:-

· With this visa, you can come to New Zealand with your partner and work even if you don’t have a New Zealand job offer to apply.

· The duration of this visa is 2 two years if you are living with your partner for more than 12 months and 1 year if you are living for less than 12 months.

· You can also study for 3 months with this visa.

· You cannot bring along dependent children with this visa.

· The application cost is around NZ$635.

 #Partner of a New Zealand-er Resident Visa:-

· If you are the partner of a New Zealand citizen, then you can apply for this visa to live in New Zealand permanently.

· With this visa, you can live, work and study in New Zealand for indefinite duration.

· You can bring along a dependent children under 24 years of age with this visa.

· The application cost is around NZ$2250.

 #Long term skill shortage list work Visa:-

· With this visa, you can gain residence in New Zealand by working 30 months in a profession where there is shortage of New Zealand-ers.

· You need to have an occupation which is listed in the Long term skill shortage list.

· With working in such occupation for at least 2 years you can apply for residence in New Zealand during your stay of 30 months.

· You cannot include your partner or dependent children in your application.

· The application cost is around $635.

#Long term skill shortage list Resident Visa:-

· For this visa you must hold a Long term skill shortage list work visa and must work for more than 2 years in New Zealand.

· You must be employed in an occupation which is listed on the Long term skill shortage list.

· You can live, work and study in New Zealand with this visa.

· Your partner and dependent children aged 24 and below can come along with you in this visa.

· You must be aged 55 or below to apply for this Visa.

#Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa:-

· If you possess a skill that’s needed by a New Zealand accredited employer, who offers you work, then you can apply for this visa.

· You can apply for living permanently if you continue to work for 2 years for the accredited employer.

· Your partner and dependent children can apply for visa only on the basis of their relationship with you.

· The length of stay is 30 months.

· Age range is 55 years or below.

· The application cost is around $635.

#Talent (Accredited Employer) Resident Visa:-

· To be eligible for this visa you must hold a Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa and should have worked for an accredited employer for 2 years.

· You can work, live and study in New Zealand with this visa.

· You can include a partner and dependent children under 24 years of age in your application.

· You must continue to work in the occupation of the accredited employer and also meet some salary requirement to be eligible for this visa.

· The duration of this visa is indefinite.

#Entrepreneur Work Visa:-

· With this visa, you can build up your own business and work up to 3 years in total.

· Bankrupt and business fraud will exempt you from attaining this visa.

· You need to have at least NZ $100,000 for investment in your business and a detailed business plan.

· You can include your partner and dependent children aged 19 or below in your application.

· The duration is 12 months during your initial set-up of business, and 24 months after you justify your business set-up.

· The application cost is around NZ $3300.

#Entrepreneur Resident Visa:-

· If you have been self-employed or built and operated a business for 2 years on Entrepreneur Work Visa, then you are eligible to apply for this visa.

· You need to have an investment of NZ$ 500,000 and also created at least 3 employment in New Zealand.

· This visa allows you to work, live and study in New Zealand.

· You can bring along your partner and include dependent children aged 24 or below in your application.

· The duration of this visa is indefinite.

Second or Subsequent Resident Visa:-

· If you held a New Zealand resident visa earlier which is expired, then you may apply for this visa.

· Your eligibility also depend on the expiry duration of the resident visa.

· This visa also allows you to live, work and study in New Zealand.

· You can bring along your partner and include dependent children aged 24 or below only if you have included them in your previous resident application.

· The length of stay is indefinite.

#Religious Worker Resident Visa:-

· If you are already living in New Zealand on a religious work visa and want to live permanently, then you may apply for this resident visa.

· You can include your partner and dependent children aged 24 or below only if they meet certain requirements.

· With this visa, you can live, work, study and continue your religious work in New Zealand.

· The age range is 55 or below and the length of stay is indefinite.

#Investor 1 Resident Visa:-

· You can apply for New Zealand residence if you can make an investment of NZ$10 million over the period of 3 years.

· Under this visa’s guidelines, you can live, work and study in New Zealand.

· You can also bring your car and household items in New Zealand, free from custom charges.

· You can bring your partner along and include dependent children aged 24 or below in your application.

· The duration of this visa is indefinite.

#Investor 2 Resident Visa:-

· If you are a businessman with available funds of NZ$3 million and want to apply for residence in New Zealand, Then you can apply for this visa.

· You will need to send an EOI, to explain your business experience and investment. If you get selected you need to send your residence application within 4 months.

· Under this visa’s guidelines, you can live, work and study in New Zealand.

· The age range is about 65 years and length of stay is indefinite.

#Talent (Arts, culture, sports) Work Visa:-

· People with extraordinary or notable talent in the fields of arts, sports and culture, and desire to reside in New Zealand are eligible for this visa.

· However, being active in your field for 2 years in New Zealand will only make you eligible for residence.

· You can include your partner and children in your residence application and not during your work visa duration.

· The duration of work visa is up to 30 months and indefinite after you hold a resident visa.

· The age range is 55 or below.

#Talent (Arts, culture, sports) Resident Visa:-

· People with Talent (Arts, culture, sports) Work Visa working in their field for more than 2 years with extraordinary or notable talent in New Zealand are eligible for this visa.

· However, your involvement through your occupation in enhancing New Zealand’s achievements might make you eligible for a residence visa.

· You can bring your partner along and dependent children below 24 in your visa application.

· The duration of this visa is indefinite.

#Australian Resident Visa:-

· With this visa, an Australian citizens and permanent residents can live, work and study in New Zealand.

· You can’t apply for this visa before traveling, you must apply only when you arrive in New Zealand.

· The temporary residents of Australia cannot apply for this visa.

· The duration of this visa is indefinite.

#Employees of Relocating business Resident Visa:-

· If you are a crucial employee of a business that is going to relocate in New Zealand and you are not eligible to apply for any other resident visa in New Zealand.

· With this visa, you can live, work and study in New Zealand only if you qualify for certain conditions of this visa.

· You can bring along your partner and dependent children, as they will be granted a visitor or student visa till the time you relocate your business.

· You may be granted a work visa before getting a resident visa.

· The length of stay is indefinite if you meet the requirements of this visa.

#Pitcairn Islander Resident Visa:-

· If you are a Pitcairn Islander and have been offered a skilled job in New Zealand, then you can apply for this resident visa.

· The skilled job offered must be full time and you must be in good health with a good character background.

· You can live, work and study in New Zealand with this visa.

· You can bring along your partner and include dependent children under aged 24 or below in your application.

· The duration of this visa is indefinite.

#South Island Contribution Resident Visa:-

· If you possess a South island Contribution work visa and are employed for 2 years with this work visa in the same industry and locality then you might be eligible for this visa.

· You can live, work and study in New Zealand in the locality documented in your South Island Contribution Work visa.

· You can add your partner and dependent children aged 24 and below in your residence visa application.

· The duration of this visa is indefinite.

#Global Impact Visa:-

· This visa is for upcoming entrepreneurs and investors to create, support and produce different experiments or start ups which contribute for definite global effect in New Zealand.

· Your application needs to be accepted into the Edmund Hillary Fellowship (EHF) to apply for this visa.

· You need to be remained under the EHF for 30 months to be eligible for the permanent resident visa.

· The duration of Global impact work visa is 36 months.

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