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Studying Genetics in New Zealand

Studying Genetics in New Zealand

The demand for geneticists is increasing in New Zealand, and students can gain valuable insights into the growing field. This article discusses how much salary, pay and job opportunities await students who choose to study genetics.

#Why Study Genetics in New Zealand?

If you're looking for a place to study genetics that offers excellent career and pay opportunities, then New Zealand is the perfect destination. Here, you can access world-class research facilities and specialists, as well as a wealth of job and career opportunities. Plus, the cost of living is modest, so you can afford to live comfortably while you're studying.

#Salary & Pay for Genetics Professionals in New Zealand 

Salaries for genetics professionals in New Zealand can vary depending on experience and qualifications, but the average salary is typically well above the national average. In fact, some jobs pay up to three times more than the national average! Plus, many universities and government research institutes offer excellent benefits, including medical insurance and a pension plan.

#Job Prospects for Genetics Professionals in New Zealand

There are plenty of opportunities for genetics professionals in New Zealand. Not only are there many research institutes and universities offering degrees in genetics, but many private companies also rely on genetic expertise to develop new products or technologies. And with such a high level of scientific innovation happening here, there's always room for new geneticists to enter the workforce.

#What we know about the market

Studying genetics in New Zealand can be a lucrative career choice. According to the latest figures from the Bureau of Statistics, the median annual salary for a geneticist was $128,000 in 2017. This is up from $101,600 in 2006. The range of salaries is also high, with the lowest paid geneticists earning between $55,000 and $86,000 per year. The highest paid geneticists can earn up to $187,000 per year. 

While genetics may be a lucrative career choice in New Zealand, it's not the only option available to those interested in the field. Genetics has a number of job and career opportunities open to those with the right qualifications and skills. For example, geneticists can work in hospitals, research labs or consultancies. They can also work as private consultants or teach at universities and colleges. 

#Types of jobs and career paths available

If you're thinking about a career in genetics, you'll need to be prepared for a competitive salary. However, there are many job and career options available in this field.

#Here's a look at some of the most common types of jobs and career paths in genetics:

- Medical doctor: Genetics is an important part of medical practice, and medical doctors who specialize in genetics are in high demand. Salary ranges from moderate to high, with excellent job security and many opportunities for promotion.

- Genetic counselor: Genetic counselors work with people who are affected by genetic disorders or who are trying to conceive. They provide support and guidance through the diagnosis and treatment of these disorders. Salaries vary depending on experience, but most genetic counselors earn around $50,000 per year.

- Biologist: Biologists conduct research involving genetics. They may work in laboratories or as professors at universities. The salaries range from modest to very high, depending on experience and qualifications. Many biologists also have opportunities for career growth and advancement.

- Geneticist: Geneticsists conduct research in all areas of genetics. They may work in laboratories conducting experiments or they may work as professors at universities.

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#Considerations for study abroad

#Studying Genetics in New Zealand: an overview of salary, pay, job and career opportunities

If you’re considering studying genetics in New Zealand, you may be wondering how much you can expect to earn. And if you’re looking for a career in the field, you’ll want to know about the many opportunities that are available.

#Salary and Pay in Genetics

The median annual salary for geneticists in New Zealand is NZ$102,000. This figure is likely to vary depending on experience and qualifications, but it’s a good starting point. And while salaries are high compared to most other countries, they’re not as high as they are in some parts of the world. For example, geneticists in the United States can earn an annual median salary of NZ$156,550.

There are a number of factors that can affect salaries in genetics – including experience and qualifications. So if you’re thinking of studying genetics in New Zealand, it may be worth doing your research to see how much money you could realistically make.

#Research opportunities, progress and benefits

If you're interested in studying genetics in New Zealand, there are a few things you should know. First, the average salary for a geneticist is $98,000 per year. And while the job market for geneticists is competitive, there are plenty of other opportunities out there if you don't want to stay in academia. For example, geneticists can work as research scientists or doctors. They also have a wide range of career opportunities, including positions at pharmaceutical companies and research institutes. Plus, many geneticists go on to become lecturers or researchers themselves. In short, if you're interested in studying genetics in New Zealand, it's worth doing your research to see what options are available to you.


If you are thinking of studying genetics in New Zealand, there are a few things you need to know. First and foremost, salaries for geneticists in New Zealand are generally high, with median salaries ranging from $85,000 to $130,000 per year. This is partly due to the demand for geneticists in both the public and private sectors here. Additionally, there are many job and career opportunities available for those who have studied genetics – including positions in hospitals, research institutes and pharmaceutical companies. As long as you have a degree in genetics or a related field and meet the required qualifications, your future is looking good!

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