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Is Studying Software Development In Hungary Worth The Effort?

Is Studying Software Development In Hungary Worth The Effort? 

How does studying software development in Hungary compare to other countries? Should you pursue the career path? Read on to find out the pros and cons of studying software development in Hungary.

#And How Good Is the Job Market For Hungarians in Software Development?

Hungary has a lot of perks to offer people who want to set up their life there. One of the biggest reasons is that people can acquire citizenship quickly if they invest in Hungarian government bonds. If you do decide to study software development, the job market is pretty good and offers many opportunities.

According to Glassdoor, the total compensation for an average software developer ranges from $55,000 (entry level) to $120,000 (senior level). The available entry-level jobs are relatively scarce, and most of them require an advanced IT degree.

Paragraph: In Hungary, the market for software developers is likely to be saturated with very few new positions opening up.

#Why Study Software Development In Hungary?

Software developers are in high demand and the software development industry has created numerous opportunities for careers. The industry itself is growing at a rapid pace and it's not likely to slow down anytime soon. With this said, it's important that you consider the options available to you before deciding on how to proceed with your career. 

One of the best ways to enter this field is by studying software development in Hungary. There are many reasons why some people may decide to study software development in Hungary, including but not limited to: cost-effectiveness, low tuition fees, and large number of companies hiring Hungarian students as interns/juniors.

Regardless of your reasons for studying software development in Hungary, there are certainly enough benefits to make it worth your while.

Given the prevalence of English in the tech industry, are there any reasons to study software development in Hungary? 

The benefits of studying software development in Hungary include a lower cost of living and cheaper tuition fees. Since it's been dubbed "the Silicon Valley of Eastern Europe," students can also be confident that they're receiving an education from one of the most competitive hubs for high-tech innovation.

#How Much Can You Earn As A Software Developer In Hungary?

Software development is a lucrative career. There are many tech giants that are based in Hungary, including Microsoft and Amazon. Other countries with a healthy software industry include Japan, China, Canada, and the UK. If you move to Hungary however, you will have to adjust to a lower cost of living and lower wages. In Hungary, the average wage for this profession is $43K compared to $116K in the US or £60K in the UK.

The average salary for a software developer in Hungary is $2,000 to $4,500 per month. This ranges from language skill sets and type of company you work for. The rate of pay is on par with the United States and higher than Canada.

Paragraph: The labor market in Hungary is projected to grow by 7% over the next 10 years, which will add a large number of positions available to those in the software development industry.

#Summary & Conclusion

The blog discusses the pros and cons of studying software development in Hungary. The author also makes recommendations for those interested in taking this field up as a career.

How does studying software development in Hungary compare to other countries? Should you pursue the career path? Read on to find out the pros and cons of studying software development in Hungary.

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